Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a cyclical occurrence of certain symptoms. Typical PMS symptoms include back pain, bloating, headaches, irritability and general fatigue. Because cannabinoids affect the EKS by balancing them, and because the concentration of anandamide in the uterus is very high, cannabinoids can also relieve PMS symptoms.
Cannabis plant
Safety in consumption and dosing of cannabis extracts
In general, consumption of cannabis and its extracts is safe and without side effects. At the same time, it should be emphasized that we are mainly talking about cannabinoids, which do not have a psychoactive effect. Of all the cannabinoids we know and have been scientifically proven, there are only three whose side effect is drowsiness.
Cannabinoids and Covid-19 - How can we help our self and each other?
Can cannabinoids reduce the chances of Sars-CoV2 virus infection? In a 2020 study, Wang and colleagues suggested that products high in cannabidiol (CBD) could prevent virus infection, and there are already studies suggesting that cannabinoids could play an important role in the later stages of the disease.
Did you know that drops from different varieties / strains of cannabis have different characteristics?
Did you know that different varieties or strains of cannabis have different cannabinoid content? Did you know that each variety of cannabis has its own terpene profile? Did you know that different strains of cannabis have different characteristics and effects on well-being?
Cannabinoids and terpenes to help with sleep problems
Research on cannabis, its ingredients and its effects on sleep is currently on the rise. More and more cannabis users are giving positive results when using cannabinoids and terpenes for sleep disorders. Cannabinoids can help us a lot because they work together and help our endocannabinoid system to get our body into balance.
Depression and anxiety - how can we help ourselves with cannabinoids?
What is depression and anxiety? Did you know that the symptoms of depression and anxiety often intertwined with each other? Cannabinoids and hemp products can significantly alleviate symptoms.
Fibromyalgia - how can we help ourselves with cannabis and its extracts?
Unexplained pain, frequent fatigue, and insomnia are the first signs of fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia syndrome is medically classified as a rheumatic condition in a group of non-articular rheumatism. How can we help ourselves with cannabis and its extracts?
Terpenes and their "Entourage" effect with cannabinoids
Terpenes are volatile aromatic molecules, with a strong odor and taste. It has been scientifically proven that terpenes are healthy for people and plants. But why do they work synergistically in conjunction with cannabinoids?
Flavonoids - they help and strengthen our immune system
What are Flavonoids? Why are they important? Which flavonoids do we know? Did you know that flavonoids are found in all medicinal plants? Did you know that flavonoids can help and strengthen our immune system?
Growing and processing of hemp to get final products
Cannabis cultivation and processing? What types of processes are used to process cannabis? How to prepare the highest quality cannabis products?