Nespečnost in motnje spanja Nespečnost je izraz, ki opisuje zelo pogoste motnje spanja. V kolikor težje ali težko zaspite, imate težave s spanjem ali se prezgodaj zbujate in preprosto ne morete zaspati nazaj, imate najverjetneje težave z nespečnostjo. Količina spanca, ki zadostuje, se razlikuje od osebe do osebe, vendar večina odraslih potrebuje sedem do osem […]
Cannabinoids and terpenes to help with sleep problems
Research on cannabis, its ingredients and its effects on sleep is currently on the rise. More and more cannabis users are giving positive results when using cannabinoids and terpenes for sleep disorders. Cannabinoids can help us a lot because they work together and help our endocannabinoid system to get our body into balance.
CBD Drops for helping with insomnia
Insomnia is on the rise these days. Unfortunately, today's lifestyle, which is characterized by a fast pace, expected response and a flood of diverse information that we encounter, contributes a lot to this. It is best to approach insomnia problems systematically.
CBD Drops for pain relief
Problems with pain? Is the pain of psychosomatic origin? Would you like to learn more about hemp drops with terpenes for pain relief? Did you know that you can prevent body aches with completely natural ingredients?