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Nespečnost in motnje spanja

Nespečnost in motnje spanja Nespečnost je izraz, ki opisuje zelo pogoste motnje spanja. V kolikor težje ali težko zaspite, imate težave s spanjem ali se prezgodaj zbujate in preprosto ne morete zaspati nazaj, imate najverjetneje težave z nespečnostjo. Količina spanca, ki zadostuje, se razlikuje od osebe do osebe, vendar večina odraslih potrebuje sedem do osem […]

PMS - Predmenstrualni sindrom in pomoč s kanabinoidi

PMS - Premenstrual Syndrome and help with cannabis

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a cyclical occurrence of certain symptoms. Typical PMS symptoms include back pain, bloating, headaches, irritability and general fatigue. Because cannabinoids affect the EKS by balancing them, and because the concentration of anandamide in the uterus is very high, cannabinoids can also relieve PMS symptoms.

Energy- Konopljine CBD kapljice za boljše počutje

For better well-being and more energy

Many people, especially in the transitional seasons, feel that their body is not in perfect balance. Are you among them? You can help yourself with drops for better well-being. CBD drops BIO ENERGY are intended for everyone who feels that their body is not working optimally or would like to raise the general level of functioning and well-being.

Varnost konopljinih izvlečkov

Safety in consumption and dosing of cannabis extracts

In general, consumption of cannabis and its extracts is safe and without side effects. At the same time, it should be emphasized that we are mainly talking about cannabinoids, which do not have a psychoactive effect. Of all the cannabinoids we know and have been scientifically proven, there are only three whose side effect is drowsiness.

Luskavica, Psoriasis, Eczema, CBD, Kanabinoidi, Hempethica

Psoriasis and help with cannabinoids

Psoriasis is a complex chronic inflammatory skin disease with aberrant immunopathogenetic mechanisms. The pathogenesis includes hyperkeratotic plaques, usually localized on the scalp, elbows, knees and buttocks, and are characterized by cutaneous inflammatory infiltrates, epidermal hyperplasia and impaired keratinocyte differentiation, and hypervascularity in the upper skin (epidermis / dermis). Clinically, it manifests as redness and peeling.

Dermatitis kozmetika s kanabinoidi CBD

Atopic dermatitits

In today’s, modern times, autoimmune diseases are on the rise. These diseases also include atopic dermatitis. There are several reasons, including a genetically modified diet. Read more…

Rak, onkologija, kanabinoidi, konoplja, hempethica

Oncology and cannabis hand in hand

After several years of prohibition, cannabis is returning to use in many branches of medicine, including oncology. Cannabinoids are used as an adjunct to established drugs, especially in the treatment of advanced cancer. Cannabinoid support is used primarily in the area of more difficult-to-manage symptoms and when conventional medications cause unacceptable side effects.

Pomoč pri učenju, Hempethica, CBD kapljice, CBD Drops

To help with learning and concentration

Kupi izdelek Potrebujete pomoč pri učenju? Ali se srečujete s težavami med učenjem? Potrebujete pomoč pri učenju? Se težko skoncentrirate? Imate težavo s koncentracijo tekom postopka učenja? Si morda težko zapomnite stvari? V kolikor ste odgovorili pritrdilno na katerokoli izmed zgornjih vprašanj, vas vabimo, da berete naprej. Kaj vpliva na našo koncentracijo? Kaj je to […]

Demenca in kanabinoidi, CBD, terpeni, pomoč s kanabinoidi

Dementia, how can we help ourselves with cannabinoids?

Dementia is a general term used to describe symptoms that affect memory, daily activities, and communication skills. It is a syndrome or set of symptoms that describe conditions that are characterized by an abnormally pronounced decrease in cognitive functions in affected persons (memory, thinking, orientation, understanding, calculation, expression, learning, memory, etc.).

Covid 19 and CBD, Covid 19 and cannabinoids, Sars-Cov2, CBD, cannabinoids, Hempethica

Cannabinoids and Covid-19 - How can we help our self and each other?

Can cannabinoids reduce the chances of Sars-CoV2 virus infection? In a 2020 study, Wang and colleagues suggested that products high in cannabidiol (CBD) could prevent virus infection, and there are already studies suggesting that cannabinoids could play an important role in the later stages of the disease.

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At the moment we are shipping internationaly to some of European countries. For more information please contact us at info@hempethica.com
or call us at
+386 41 58 68 68

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We store your data in a secure location. Your credit card information is not stored. We have taken care for your safe purchase, and we wish you a very successful purchase!

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We are already trusted by many users of our products. We offer only tested and selected quality products that have been developed with our own knowledge.

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