Hempethica, Drops of Nature, Widlab


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Pomoč pri nespečnosti

CBD Drops for helping with insomnia

Insomnia is on the rise these days. Unfortunately, today's lifestyle, which is characterized by a fast pace, expected response and a flood of diverse information that we encounter, contributes a lot to this. It is best to approach insomnia problems systematically.

CBD Kapljice za pomoč pri bolečinah

CBD Drops for pain relief

Problems with pain? Is the pain of psychosomatic origin? Would you like to learn more about hemp drops with terpenes for pain relief? Did you know that you can prevent body aches with completely natural ingredients?

CBD Vapes, smoking, cannabinoids, sleeper, focus, pain relief, energy, Hempethica, Widlab

Terpenes in cannabis

What are terpenes? Why are they important? What terpenes do we know? Did you know that terpenes are found in all medicinal plants? Did you know that essential oils are made up of several different terpenes?

Kanabinoidi in njihovo delovanje

What are cannabinoids and how do they act on our body?

Cannabinoids are a major group of compounds which are present in cannabis. They are a heterogeneous group of compounds whose common feature is that they can bind to cannabinoid receptors in our body. They are basically divided into three groups according to their origin (endocannabinoids, phytocannabinoids and synthetic cannabinoids).


In general about cannabis

One recent study by German researchers, as well as countless studies by research groups around the world, has shown that cannabis and cannabinoids boost the immune system. The terpenes present in cannabis, however, take care of our well-being and take care of our feelings.

Predelava konoplje

From cannabis plant to product

How are hemp drops or the main raw materials for hemp products made? Did you know that the process of preparing quality products in the first phase is conditioned by knowledge and understanding of individual processes that we used when processing cannabis?

Endokanabinoidni sistem, ECS, kanabinoidi, CBD, Hempethica

Endocannabinoid system and use of cannabinoids in medicine

What is the endocannabinoid system (ECS)? Are cannabinoids also used in classical medicine?
ECS is an endogenous signaling mechanism present in all vertebrates. Over 140 cannabinoids have already been identified, and some of them are also used in classical medicine for the treatment of the most severe forms of chronic neurodegenerative diseases.

Certificirani produkti Hempethica, WidLab, Certifikati, Vegan, CBD

More than just an idea, Hempethica

Hempethica is not just an idea. Hempethica is a vision of bringing natural products closer to humans and move us away from the often unnecessary chemicals that surround us on a daily basis. Hempethica works with nature and infer a special relationship between nature and human. Early in history, plants had a special significance. The human species found diferent ways to obtain plant active ingredients, […]

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At the moment we are shipping internationaly to some of European countries. For more information please contact us at info@hempethica.com
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+386 41 58 68 68

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We are already trusted by many users of our products. We offer only tested and selected quality products that have been developed with our own knowledge.

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